Werbeclip der australischen MS-Gesellschaft

Dieser Werbefilm der australischen MS-Gesellschaft will Aufmerksamkeit schaffen und Verständnis bewirken ...

... ob die Botschaft so von Nicht-Erkrankten verstanden wird, scheint zweifelhaft. Aus den deutschen Medien kennt man so etwas jedoch nicht -- daher trotzdem ein dickes Lob!
Auf deutsch:
"Wenn du Multiple Sklerose hast,
wird dein Körper zu deinem schlimmsten Feind."
Laufzeit: 1'00"
Datum des Videos: Juni 2007
Quelle: YouTube
Sprache: Englisch
Bewertung: *****  (4 von 5)


I´m from Germany and I think your clip is hard and I don`t know if people understand what you want to say.
I got the diagnosis MS 16 years ago and I`m at the point to tell the world what piece of work it is if you decide to live with that desease and don`t give up. I`m glad I still can walk but I do my training every day.
I want do do a special project to fight against the fear which is present every day!
I`m afraid of water and therefor I want to go diving at the Great Barrier Reef where I`ll be confronted with the highest level of my fear and I`m convinced this will be the only way to get rid of that daily fear which hangs over your head like the sword of Damokles!
I`m looking for a doctor or specialists to accompany my project. Can you help me to find such people?
I`m looking forward to an answer!
Heidi Esters

#1 21.08.2012 21:35

Heidi Esters

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